The Perara family were our big winners this past year in the contest I had last February called “Showing Love To Others”. The Perara family have had quite a roller coaster this past year with their sweet daughter Charlie! Charlie was diagnosed Nov. 13, 2013 with Acute Lymphpblastic Leukemia and she has been fighting for her life ever since. With treatments every week for almost a year, she is quite a fighter and so happy! You would never even know she has been sick! You really never realize how important your health is until something like this happens and you never realize how truly blessed you are to have a healthy child! So many things we take for granted and with this week of Thanksgiving on our doorsteps, we should all be thankful for the things that really matter….. our health, family and good friends! I was so blessed to meet the Perara’s and little Charlie, plus all the grandma’s and grandpa’s too! I am so glad to see she is doing so well and her odds for recovery are in her favor!! 🙂 Thank you for sharing her with me Jessica and Matt! I will continue to pray for Charlie and your family as you continue to walk this journey with her! 🙂

