Sometimes life doesn’t work like you expect it to, right? We live in a world of backup plans, emergency contacts and planning out for a variety of “what ifs” that will probably not even happen. I do this with my work on a daily basis – what if a planned outdoor photo shoot gets cancelled due to heavy rains or pink hydrangeas aren’t available for a photoshoot or by giving you the worst case scenario for editing portraits.

Augusta GA Newborn Photographer image of Crash Plan Backup | Crash Plan Backup | Mary Beth's Photography

As a photographer, I have to insure that my images are safe and secure, too. We live in a world of electronics – which is good and bad. Photographers would have to wait days to see if portraits even came out, let alone if they were in focus or what they were hoping they looked like AND they only had so much film in a camera to take the portraits. Today, I do what I like to call “Paparazzi shoots” where I take a bunch of pictures knowing that one will have everyone’s eyes open AND I can look right then and there to make sure I get what my clients are looking for from their sessions!

But none of this even matters if something should happen to my computer and all my images are deleted. That is why for as long as I could, I have been backing up my images with some system from discs to flash drives to external hard drives and the cloud.

I started using Crash Plan a while ago and have been so impressed with their service. Earlier this year, PCMag gave them 4.5 out of 5 stars. Currently, I use my external hard drive connected to my computer to do all the backups and really it is so fast and easy! Most importantly, I feel confident in having my important files backed-up!

Find out more about how I am “Capturing Life’s Beautiful Moments” in my All Natural Light Studio and On Location as the Augusta GA Newborn Photographer and Augusta GA Family Photographer in the greater Augusta, GA area by visiting my website