Ahhhhh… the joys of Christmas, right? Isn’t everything going so well for you right now?? You are well rested; that little elf has arrived just after you have tucked yourself into bed and not given you a heart attack in the middle of the night with its “arrival” at 2 am; perfect cookies have been made; holiday cards are printed and ready to be sent or already sent; all Christmas gifts are selected, purchased and wrapped perfectly right now…. I am sorry, what was that you said? Was that a collective sigh of stress I just heard?

 Images of the Reality of Christmas versus the Romance of Christmas from an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Reality of Christmas | Mary Beth's Photography

Welcome to the Reality of Christmas club, my friends!!! We are so far into the throws of stress around Christmas dear readers that you really don’t even have the time to read this (but I thank you for taking the time), because I am here to tell you that YOU are NOT ALONE!!

I am literally writing this at 11 pm on Thursday before my Friday deadline of Friday’s Favorite Things. (PS – I am normally heading to bed at 9 pm, so… this is LATE to ME!)  I should be writing all the things I love about my husband in an advent calender we were going to try, but it is December 8th and that hasn’t start…. sooooooo……

 Images of the Reality of Christmas versus the Romance of Christmas from an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Reality of Christmas | Mary Beth's PhotographyMy ideals of making homemade sugar cookies this weekend was thrown out the window when I looked at my schedule and the ONLY TIME I had free to make the dough was literally 1 am!!! 1 am!!! WHAT?? So, store-bought cookie dough it is this year and you know what? I am wearing my stress like it is my favorite turtle neck sweater. I am done with the Romance of Christmas and I am walking in the shoes of the Reality of Christmas.

 Images of the Reality of Christmas versus the Romance of Christmas from an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Reality of Christmas | Mary Beth's Photography

Ladies, we don’t have to attend every “Christmas Fun Thing” that happens this month (and really, why is this season ONE MONTH – we need TWO to fit it all in). We don’t have to make the picture-magazine-perfect moments for our families and our children. You know what makes my oldest son feel like it is Christmas?? When he is wearing a sweater and a beanie, Christmas music is playing and I am cooking in the kitchen… WHAT??? That is it??? I can do that everyday!!! Time to go to the store to buy pre-made Gingerbread House kits and throw away the homemade recipe that is destined to be a disaster.

 Images of the Reality of Christmas versus the Romance of Christmas from an Augusta GA Newborn Photographer | Reality of Christmas | Mary Beth's Photography

So, I leave you with this MBP Moment of Zen.  Head to Starbucks RIGHT NOW and order this….  White Mocha with a shot of Gingerbread.  Take a nice long sip (remember it is hot, so let is cool a bit first) and remember the reason for this season (and the shot of Gingerbread will help you hold onto that wonderful Fall feeling a bit longer while the White Mocha eases you back into the joys of Christmas).  I am with each of you in your journey and you have got this – bring on the reality of Christmas, romance is overrated!  🙂

Find out more about how I am “Capturing Life’s Beautiful Moments” in my All Natural Light Studio and On Location as the Augusta GA Newborn Photographer and Augusta GA Family Photographer in the greater Augusta, GA area by visiting my website www.MaryBethsPhotography.com.