Today I wanted to share a company Sleeklens, that contacted me to review one of their Action Sets for Photoshop! I was honored that they reached out to me and wanted to share! You might be wondering, what are Actions?? Photographers may use action to help enhance their portraits or create an easier workflow. You can create your own actions or you can purchase actions from different companies that are already done for you! I use actions in my photography busines that I have purchased, as well as ones I have created! The actions offer a wide variety of editing styles and things to enhance with softening skin, brightening skin, reducing red from skin, changing to black and white, add flares etc… Sleeklens sent me the Action Set- Portrait Perfection Collection to review. I have the same portrait that I edited three different ways using some of their actions. The first portrait below is straight out of my camera, so we have a base to start with. 2017-09-27_0001.jpg I used the action – Base- Golden Glow Hour and then the action Portrait Retouch Soft Glow Skin in the portrait below. 2017-09-27_0002.jpg This next portrait I used the action- Cloudy Days and also Portrait Retouch Soft Glow Skin. 2017-09-27_0003.jpg In this last portrait below I used the actions Autumn Love, Vignette Vintage and Portrait Retouch Desaturate. 2017-09-27_0004.jpg These actions are easy to use and they come with excellent directions! They can easily help you transform your portraits into beautiful artwork for clients to hang on their walls! They help give you that professional edge and save time! Here are the links to check out this company and the actions that they have :