Thank you for another successful year at Mary Beth’s Photography!!

As a special give back to all my clients and a wonderful big THANK YOU, this year I am running a SUPER FUN, SUPER EXCITING 12 Days of Christmas, starting TODAY!  Each day you can be entered to win some AMAZING prizes!

Here is how you enter (YOU must enter each day to qualify for each prize):
1.  Like Mary Beth’s Photography on Facebook or Instagram
2.  Like the vendor page (where appropriate!)
3.  Make a comment, including #12DaysMBP
4.  Share the post on Facebook or a friend on Instagram by 7 pm each night!

Check back each evening to see if you are a winner!!  Winner will be posted after 8 pm each night!

Start today by clicking here because EVERYONE WINS the 31 Day Christmas Photo Challenge!

We would love for you to join us on a 31 Day Christmas Photo challenge by using these hashtags:  #12DaysMBP and #31DaysChristmasMBP

Some of our prizes include High Cotton, Beveled Edge, Oatmeal Cream Pies by Dolce Delights by Dana, free make-up lesson with Karrie Lykins and MORE, so keep checking my Facebook page and blog each day!