Augusta, GA Senior Photographer II Mary Beth’s Photography II Anne Elise’s Senior Session

I have known Anne Elise’s family since my children were little, as I became friends with her mother in North Augusta Mother’s Club. Her mother also taught our middle son for 3 years at First Baptist and they have always been so gracious to allow me to use...

{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Colleen Bedenbaugh } | Augusta GA Senior Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

How can you not smile when you are around Colleen.  Seriously, though?  She point blank says that one of her Interests and Hobbies is “Making People Laugh” – we need more of that in our lives, right? Colleen loves to play volleyball and is going to...

{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Kaitlin Hodson }| Augusta Senior Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

Look out Hollywood!  Look out New York!  Kaitlin Hodson is on her way!  This Rising Senior is really excited to get out early to be able to go on more auditions! When Kaitlin isn’t studying lines, you can find her playing basketball, writing or reading.  You...

{ Friday’s Favorite Things – Katelyn Holliday } | Augusta GA Senior Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

Our Senior Rep Katelyn Holliday has her goals set on becoming a Teacher and as former teacher, I can tell you that she is on the right track – She loves shopping at Hobby Lobby and is looking forward to being in the Teacher Cadet Program at school next year. ...

{ Friday’s Favorites Things – Jordan Gambrell } | Augusta GA Senior Photographer | Mary Beth’s Photography

Jordan Gambrell is one amazing young woman!  I was so excited to get to know more about this Rising Senior at North Augusta High School.  When I asked Jordan about her plans after high school, she said that she wants to attend Clemson University in hopes of becoming...