{ Friday’s Favorites – Tile }

I love this game I play – hide my keys or hide my phone, search frantically before I have to leave the house for both items and then arrive 10 minutes late to wherever I am going. It is a good, fun game and doesn’t cause stress to me or anyone in my house....

{ Friday’s Favorites – Cinnamon Puff Muffins }

Yum, yum and more yum for this newborn photographer! My sweet Brenna wanted to do some baking recently and she didn’t have to twist my arm hard to make these delicious Cinnamon Puff Muffins. I tell you that there is something special about a homemade treat in...

{ Friday’s Favorites – Kids Eat Free }

Spring!!!  I just love when the weather starts to get warmer and everyone seems to come out of their houses and kids can play outside and everyone wants to enjoy the change of weather!  I thought it would be a FABULOUS time to look into where you can take your kids...

{ Friday’s Favorites – BoHo Twins }

I love being able to be creative and I really can’t believe how excited I get when I receive a call from a parent who has an idea that I get to run with!! This amazing twin mom wanted to do a BoHo session for her little boy and girl’s Cake Smash. I did a...

{Friday’s Favorites – Sugar Cookie Egg Pizza Dessert }

I have to be honest. When I was searching for a fun Easter dessert, I came across the name of this dessert and thought a little something like this… “Sugar Cookie – GOOD!, Eggs – Yum, but as a main ingredient of a dessert?, Pizza –...

{ Friday’s Favorites – Paint Chip Garland }

Oh how I love to decorate for holidays. There is something about it that just makes me feel warm and cozy inside. I love the anticipation of decorations coming out and how our home transforms into the season we are celebrating!! Easter time is no different! I love...